360 - Lot 16 Grand View Subdivision, Malone, Ny 12953
Original List Price:
Property Type:Residential
Days on the Market:
1 Bed| Bath| Half Bath|360 SQFT
Property Description
This is a camp that has 6.19 acres and is on a level piece of land. There is a newly built Amish cabin (12′ x 30′), large double door shed (12′ x 24′) and outhouse. Very private and connected to hundreds of miles of NY snowmobile and ATV trails. Also has a tree stand. Nearly new Honda Foreman 4×4 ATV and Ski Doo Summit snowmobile available if you want to roll into the purchase. Near the Little Salmon river and Owl’s Head General Store. Dig a well and have running water. Powered by a state of the art 1.1 kw PV system, 3kw inverter and 16.8 kWh AGM battery bank. Enjoy the wilderness in your own camp ready to be enjoyed.